Tailored Dining Experiences
How can food commemorate our history and our emotions?
Can we interpret a universe of narratives as tastes and textures?
We speak with lovers, families, and communities to learn their shared history.
Referencing art, literature, food history, and cultural traditions,
we translate people’s stories and experiences into
memorable dishes and dining experiences.
These are then presented as a meal,
designed to celebrate the
meaningful moments
in their lives.
A couple celebrates a special moment in their relationship when one surprises the other with a meal of messy BBQ ribs in bed.
Overnight-braised short ribs, barbecue-spiced tomato jam, gnocchi pillows, pasta sheets.
Lovers from two different countries, backgrounds, histories, and occupations meet serendipitously while on their dream vacation in France.
Parallel eclairs, each filled from one end with different flavors of their past, and finish on the other end with shared flavors of their future.